Por: Marina Dugand González, Coordinadora de Global Education - Colegio San José Diana Quintero Acosta, Comunicadora y Promotora Institucional - Colegio San José Learn about Emily Berdejo Guardiola’s Incredible Exchange Experience! Emily, a Learning Cycle V (Semestralización) student at Colegio San José, spent her July 2024 vacation on an exciting exchange program at a prestigious [...]
Feria de universidades internacionales
Por: Diana Quintero Acosta, Comunicadora y Promotora Institucional - Colegio San José Nuestros estudiantes de 9°, 10° y 11° Grado recibieron la visita de reconocidas universidades nacionales e internacionales, el 23 y 24 de octubre de 2024. "Este es un espacio importante para fomentar la orientación profesional y ofrecer a nuestros alumnos diversas opciones académicas",
Así gestionamos la salud mental
Por: Diana Quintero Acosta, Comunicadora y Promotora Institucional - Colegio San José Del 5 al 9 de noviembre vivimos la Jornada de Salud Mental en torno a la comunicación y empatía. Los psicólogos del Servicio de Asesoría Escolar SAE nos pusieron a reflexionar e interactuar con juegos tradicionales, música en la emisora, a elaborar murales,
NEASC Visit (Academic Director)
By: Dairo Orozco Molina, Academic Director - Colegio San José I want to thank each and every one of you for your willingness, generosity, warmth and openness during the three days of our visit. Mrs. Ann Galvani and Mrs. Irene Coe, NEASC's academic peers, were very impressed with the reception and welcome from the entire
Eventos académicos externos: I Trimestre 24-25
Por: Diana Quintero Acosta, Comunicadora y Promotora Institucional - Colegio San José Nuestras participaciones académicas externas en el Trimestre I 2024-2025 fueron numerosas, coordinadas por la oficina de Extensión Académica. Conoce en dónde estuvimos: - Foro de Filosofía - Instituto La Salle: septiembre 5 y 6 Tema: "Desafiando los límites del Pensamiento Postmoderno" Participantes:
UPrep-CSJB Exchange (Seniors)
By: Diana Quintero Acosta, Communications and Marketing - Colegio San José Our Seniors, Luciana and Natalia were enjoying the UPrep Exchange experience in Seattle, U.S. We're here to share their experience with you! Let's watch it! Click on image.
NEASC Visit (Bilingual Teacher)
By: Luisa Álvarez Sanes, Bilingual Teacher - Colegio San José Barranquilla During this days, we will receive a two visitors from the NEASC. This accreditation journey is a reflection of our efforts to build a culture of excellence in our school and to improve our pedagogical practices. This visit will serve as formative assessment and
NEASC Visit (Bilingual Coordinator)
By: Diana Quintero Acosta, Communications and Marketing - Colegio San José Mr. Édgar Barrios, our Bilingual Coordinator, is really happy to announce that the next week we are having our Preparatory visit by NEASC. He mentions this is a great opportunity for our school to start analyzing the quality of education we're offering our school
Mejor orador: MUN Medellín
Por: Diana Quintero Acosta, Comunicadora y Promotora Institucional - Colegio San José Fotos: Cortesía Coordinación de Extensión Académica - Colegio San José Oficina de Comunicaciones - Colegio San José A propósito de que se acerca nuestro I Torneo de Debate SJ, es bueno recordar el logro obtenido por nuestras estudiantes Isabella Díaz Carrasco y Juanita
NEASC visit (Academic Director)
By: Diana Quintero Acosta, Communications and Marketing – Colegio San José Our Academic Director, Mr. Dairo Orozco announces that next Tuesday, October 22, we will host the NEASC preparatory visit. NEASC will accompany us during the international accreditation process. He invites the whole school community to embrace this process with openness, generosity and with a