Colegio San José Barranquilla

NEASC visit (Academic Director)

By: Diana Quintero Acosta, Communications and Marketing – Colegio San José

Our Academic Director, Mr. Dairo Orozco announces that next Tuesday, October 22, we will host the NEASC preparatory visit. NEASC will accompany us during the international accreditation process.

He invites the whole school community to embrace this process with openness, generosity and with a very optimistic standpoint.


Nuestro Director Académico, el señor Dairo Orozco anuncia que el próximo martes 22 de octubre acogeremos la visita de NEASC. NEASC nos acompañará durante el proceso de acreditación internacional.

Él invita a toda la comunidad educativa a vivir este proceso con sinceridad, generosidad y un punto de vista optimista.

Watch his video. Click on the image:

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