Colegio San José Barranquilla

Circulares Preescolar

Transition Clousure Event: Ecofriends

Por: María A. Zambrano Peña, Coordinadora de ABP - Colegio San José Last Monday, June 6th, Transition students had their closure event called 'ECO FRIENDS'.   During the third term, the students learned about garbage classification by identifying the containers' colors, functions, and the 3Rs: Reuse, Reduce and Recycle through different activities.   A recyclable [...]

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Transición recibió diplomas por culminación de estudios

Por: Diana Quintero Acosta, Comunicadora y Promotora Institucional - Colegio San José El viernes 10 de junio, en una ceremonia de gala, los estudiantes de Transición recibieron diploma por la culminación de sus estudios de Preescolar 2021 - 2022. Estuvieron en el salón Pignatelli acompañados por sus familias y docentes de Ciclo II. Con mucha

Transición recibió diplomas por culminación de estudios Read More »

Kinder 4 Closure Event

Por: María A. Zambrano Peña, Coordinadora de APB - Colegio San José Last Thursday, June 2nd, Kinder 4 students closed their 3rd project entitled: ''Discovering our world''. In this project, they had the opportunity to learn about the natural habitats of Colombia, especially those of the Caribbean region, its characteristics, fauna, and flora typical of

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Coronación de Ciclo I con Elder Dayán Díaz

Por: Diana Quintero Acosta, Comunicadora y Promotora Institucional - Colegio San José Ciclo I leyó el bando y coronó a sus reyes en el salón Pignatelli del Colegio San José en los primeros días de marzo. Cada pareja de reyes confirmó su elección, a través de un perfomance de baile. El acto culminó con la

Coronación de Ciclo I con Elder Dayán Díaz Read More »

Kinder 5 project opening – ‘Once upon a time’

Por:  María Alejandra Zambrano, Coordinadora de ABP - Colegio San José  Edgar Barrios Rodríguez, Coordinador de Bilingüismo - Colegio San José On November 22nd, Kinder 5 students began a new project for the second term. This project is called “Once upon a time” and its purpose is to stimulate oral, written, and artistic expression in students,

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Kinder 5 had the closing of their first period project

By: María Alejandra Zambrano, Coordinadora de ABP - Colegio San José Edgar Barrios Rodríguez, Coordinador de Bilingüismo - Colegio San José On November 18th, Kinder 5 students had the closing of their first period project called “Connecting with our school environment”. The project's purpose was to experience communicative, affective and sensory experiences that would allow

Kinder 5 had the closing of their first period project Read More »

K4 project closure event: ‘Superheroes of the class!’

By: María Alejandra Zambrano, Coordinadora de PBL - Colegio San José Edgar Barrios Rodríguez, Coordinador de Bilingüismo - Colegio San José They did it! Kinder 4 students enjoyed a fantastic project closure event called 'Superheroes of the class!' last Friday, November 12th, in the Cycle 1 premises. All Kinder 4 students and teachers staff set

K4 project closure event: ‘Superheroes of the class!’ Read More »

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