Colegio San José Barranquilla

Panel: ¿Cómo van los jóvenes?

By: Diana Quintero Acosta, Comunnications & Marketing – Colegio San José

A week ago, we had the pleasure of sharing the stage with two incredible women: Lucía Avendaño, Director of Barranquilla Cómo Vamos and Érika Fontalvo, Director of El Heraldo in the panel ¿Cómo van los jóvenes?, a space for families and students of Semestralización (9th, 10th, and 11th Grade), as part of the training we provide at the Escuela de Familias. Our Rector, F. Luis F. Gómez, S.J., was our representative.

The morning of January 25th was an opportunity for attendees to ask questions about the present and future of young people in the Colombian Caribbean and the world. We are grateful to the guests for sharing their knowledge with us.
At the end, parents received their children’s report cards as well as the new edition of our magazine LINK.
Watch the video. Click on the image.

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