Colegio San José Barranquilla

Wrapping up the Term with incredible proyects!

By: María A. Zambrazo, PBL Coordinator – Colegio San José

During the last school term, our students had unforgettable experiences that transformed their perspective of reality. Through collaborative work, each of them showcased their knowledge and talents in various multidisciplinary projects (PBL). 

These projects have not only been a fundamental tool for promoting the care of our planet, but also for recognizing their skills and talents.

Our multidisciplinary projects stood out by integrating knowledge and approaches from various disciplines, allowing students to tackle current social and environmental challenges and develop as change agents committed to sustainability and equity.

We are excited to present the amazing projects developed during this term! We invite everyone to join us in celebrating and appreciating the outcomes of this exciting multidisciplinary learning journey. 

See more pictures about PBL below: