Colegio San José Barranquilla

Rally De Ciencias Durante La Semana Cultural CSJB 2014

Por: Miguel Silgado Garay – Natural Science Teacher – Ms. Edu.

Participar del rally académico de ciencias durante la semana cultural ha sido siempre una actividad asombrosa. Este año la actividad estuvo ubicada en el segundo piso del bloque de bachillerato y constaba de dos fases, en una tenían que aportar una frase para el Mural Ecológico y en la segunda fase debían responder un cuestionario con preguntas de Ciencias, Física y Química. En el reto planteado por los docentes del área de ciencias naturales, participaron los equipos formados por cuatro estudiantes procedentes de cada club quienes durante esta jornada pusieron a prueba sus saberes a nivel cognitivo, procedimental y afectivo.

The Sciences Rally during the Cultural Week
Be involved in the academic rally during the cultural week has always been an amazing activity. This year the activity was located on the second floor of the high school building and consisted of two phases; during the phase one, students had to provide a quotation for the Ecological Wall and in the second phase they had to answer a Questionnaire from Science, Physics and Chemistry. The rally was attended by teams from each club, during this day the students had tested a huge part of their knowledge.