Colegio San José Barranquilla

Honor Roll Awards Ceremony 2nd Term

On Thursday, January 19th, the Honor Roll Awards ceremony of the second period took place in the San José Pignatelli Multiple Auditorium / Salon. On this occasion, to continue with the Bilingualist education of the students, the act was presented in English. The main objective of this act was to recognize or exalt those students who excel the academic and cultural aspects, without neglecting all of those students who through their efforts and dedication overcame the academic difficulties presented to them during the period.

The ceremony, began with the prayer by Zuleima Ahumada, Bilingual Education Coordinator, who, invited us to thank God for the immense blessings he has given us; In addition she asked for strength to take in a good way the news of the departure of the teacher Mary Arrieta who no longer accompanied us in the institution but who, after 25 years of hard work leaves a great mark.

Later Father Juan Manuel Montoya S.J. Academic Director of our Institution gave a speech in English to all of those attending the event. The Father Juan Manuel, reminded us these civic acts are done to enrich the work of the school through the students who are outstanding in academic, cultural aspects or because of their great spirit of improvement. The father continued his speech making reference to the "Magis" (more, better and greater), that characterizes the education of the Jesuit Company. He explained the term relating it to the school environment as finding a place in the classroom where the student feels comfortable enough to take notes and give good use to the time, be active listeners, do a great team work and especially to take advantage of the talents that each one possesses in order to be a better human being every day. He ended his intervention by inviting everyone to strive and successfully follow our paths.

After the intervention of Father Juan Manuel, Marina Dugand, and Manuel Figueroa, handed sixteen diplomas to students in grades 3 to 11 who showed a superior performance in the consolidated of all their subjects during the second academic period. The students were:  3º, Matías Guarín Rueda, Mariangel Barón Cabarcas y Camila Dominguez Garcia, 4º María Juliana López Salcedo, Sergio Martinez Barba e Ivanna Lesmes Guayara, 5º Nicole Ghisays Díaz y Catalina Santos Molina, 6º Paula Nicol Murcia Alzate, Juliana Rocha Arroyave y José Daniel Díaz Mendoza, 7º Nicolás Hernández Mosquera y Emily Esther Moreno Baloco, 8º Andrea Carolina Morales Cañas y Natalia Inés Rodriguez Soto y 10º Javier Ramírez Silva.

The Colegio San José, through the promotion of extracurricular activities, seeks to develop the students in different áreas with the goal to not only have  excellence result  in academics, but in different aspects. For this reason, recognition diplomas were awarded to 28 students who participated and represented the Colegio San José in different events.

The activities were: the 11th Extreme Robotics Fair in Rionegro (Antioquia) where in the first year of participation it was possible to obtain  1st place for the students  Andrés Flórez, Daniel Mercado, Sebastián Fernández , María Alejandra Olivo, Yubran Barakat, Sebastian Cadavid, Javier Ramírez y Santiago Castellanos, 2nd place for the students Sebastián Otero, Jonathan Calles, Tomas López, Juan David Tapia, Juan Miguel Sánchez, Samuel Fonseca, Nicolas Garzón, and Diego García y 14th for the students Camilo Rodríguez, Issa Barake , Julián Martínez , William Ariza, Roberto Alcalá, Alejandro Alcalá, Sammy Kwang, Juan Hoyos. The 10th Music Festival of Altamira School where María Juliana López de 4º won first place. The Music Festival of the Ariano school where Isabella Emiliani 5º y Sofia Calle 10º won second place within  “Childrens” category  and First place within the “Youth” category  respectively. Lastly to Alejandra Hernández Briceño  9º who was a contestant of the TV show La Voz Teen of Caracol TV.

Father Gabriel Jaime Perez SJ was in charge of honoring the teacher Mary Arrieta, through the delivery of the "San Jose Order" where she was named Lady and the delivery of a gold medal of honor. 

On this occasion Alejandra Hernández Briceño was in charge of the cultural act, interpreting the song "Angel" of Jon Secada. 

Also Manuel Figueroa, delivered six diplomas to students in grades 6 to 11 who surpassed the academic difficulties and obtained better results. The students were Julian Meza Rivera 6º, Trino García 7º, David Cabarcas Almanza 8º, Jose Gabriel Vergara Naranjo 9º, Gianfranco Sarti Onofri 10º, Andrés del Chiaro and Jorge Gutierrez 11º.

Later, Father Gabriel Jaime Pérez, as the guiding leader of our educational community and Rector of San José School, addressed a few words to the participants in the event, in which he emphasized the importance of what it takes to be, not only an excellent student, but also an excellent human being: dedication, discipline, effort and desire to always be great in what you do. In addition, he delivered the gold-plated buttons with the coat of arms of the San José School, to the students who obtained the best academic results in both the elementary and high school sections. For high school 7th grade David Hernández Mosquera and for elementary Manuel Ricardo González Romero 1st grade were awarded.

The host of the act was the student María Camila Velásquez Barrios of 7º.

By: Daniela Manneh, Academic Extension Coordination