Colegio San José Barranquilla

Kinder 4 students conducted research on traditional games and put the results into practice visiting a local park

Por: Martha Delgado y Walter Ardila Ortúz, Global Education – Colegio San José 

Throughout the 2nd term, Kinder 4 students assumed the role of researchers in their classes, due to the PBL methodology applied, where they developed a project titled “…To the rescue of Traditional Games”, where they discovered that playing games can be considered as a learning tool.

As part of their research, the students consulted different sources, such as faculty members, and their families. From their grandparents, they were able to know more from these traditional games, especially how to play them and the instructions.

As a result of their research, students needed to put into practice what they have found. For this reason, Kinder 4 students went on a field trip to a local park. This experience allowed them to perform and play some of the games that they had researched about, such as “agua cristalina”, “el teléfono roto”, “el congelado”, among others.

Additionally, the kids along with their teachers had a cheerful and playful morning, filled with puppeteers, singing and dancing, and of course, playing in the park.


Durante el 2° periodo escolar los estudiantes de Kinder 4A y B se convirtieron en “investigadores” y descubrieron que el juego es una herramienta para aprender.

Con este fin los niños consultaron diferentes fuentes, una de ellas fueron sus abuelitos, de quienes conocieron los juegos tradicionales y sus reglas.

Para el cierre del periodo, a finales de febrero, los alumnos, en una salida pedagógica, visitaron el parque Venezuela, junto a sus acompañantes grupales y algunos recreacionistas, con quienes realizaron dinámicas relacionadas con los juegos tradicionales, de manera dirigida, y disfrutaron de un alegre espacio amenizado con títeres,  recordando los juegos investigados, tales como: agua cristalina, el teléfono roto, el congelado, entre otros.