Colegio San José Barranquilla

EF Teacher on the Road program

During our class of “Language Use” on October 26th, we had a very particular session. The agency Education First (EF) brought to our classroom a very interesting visitor, a foreign teacher who demonstrated us how an english class is taught abroad. First, she introduced herself, and as she was talking we started questioning ourselves about the teacher’s origin: “where is she from?”. Then, she asked us if we knew where she was from, and it was funny guessing, because no one could figure out the answer, and it happened that she was french. Based on that, we started talking about cultural shock, and a lot of anecdotes and stereotypical comments emerged. It was very entertaining because it was more like a dialogue rather than a class. The purpose of this activity was to motivate us to travel abroad, which is something possible with EF. I think that the experience totally worked out because when the class was over, we were still talking about our plans for the future, and where would we like to go or what language we wish we could learn.

El pasado jueves 26 de octubre contamos con la presencia  de Florence Canavan, francesa, radicada en el Reino Unido y docente de varios idiomas de la Education First, quien brindó a los estudiantes de décimo grado del Colegio San José la oportunidad de tener una clase con ella y experimentar una clase diferente. Los estudiantes contaron con una hora de clase en la que Florence les habló sobre temas como: Culture shock y Going abroad – opportunites abroad for work, study and experiencing real life in a country. Desde el área de Extensión académica y de Educación Bilingue se busca este tipo de actividades y oportaunidades para que los estudiantes puedan aprender de una manera diferente y entiendan lo diferentes qué son las culturas y personas alrededor del mundo. 

 Por: Natalia Daniels, estudiante de 10º grado.