Colegio San José Barranquilla

Our philosophy


IHS is the abbreviation of the name of Jesus in uppercase Greek letters “IHSOUS”. Over time, it gave rise to the Latin etymology “IHS” (Iesus Hominum Salvator) or “JHS” in Spanish (Jesús Salvador de los Hombres).

HIS is represented in a monogram (symbol formed by intertwined letters in a set used as an abbreviation) and used in many of the shields and emblems of the Society of Jesus since 1541 (of which we are part), when Saint Ignatius of Loyola used it in his seal of Superior, making it the emblem of the religious order.


A Basque native born in Spain in 1491 and passing away in Rome in 1556, Ignatius of Loyola is renowned as the founder of the Society of Jesus. Before his spiritual conversion, he was a distinguished soldier. His unwavering devotion to the Pope and his creation of the Spiritual Exercises, a profound guide for spiritual growth, have left an enduring mark on the Catholic Church. Canonized in 1622, his feast day is celebrated on July 31.


Our school emblem is composed of an inverted triangle whose sides are slightly curved. At the base of the triangle, in its upper part, the name of Colegio San José is inscribed.

The triangle is divided vertically into two equal parts; the left side is dark red, evoking energy, vigor, willpower, and leadership; on it appears the tower of the temple of the first headquarters of the school, a symbol of our faith and traditions; this appears in white, which means faith and purity. The right side is yellow, evoking honor and loyalty; it has in dark blue the characteristic anagram of the Society of Jesus, consisting of the first three letters of the name of Jesus in Greek: JHS; this color represents sincerity and piety. The cross that crowns the letter H (Eta in Greek) has a double crossbar characteristic of the cross called Cross of Lorraine, for aesthetic reasons.

Below the triangle there is a blue ribbon with the date of the school’s establishment, 1918, in yellow.


Lyrics and music: F. Juan José Briceño, S.J (1987)

¡Salve cuna de insignes patriotas,

faro altivo de ciencia y virtud,

que iluminas y orientas seguro,

nuestra noble y leal juventud!


Una historia encamina al presente,

que es de lucha y esfuerzo tenaz.

La esperanza le canta al futuro,

ritmo alegre de cumbia y de mar.


Juventud es un riesgo en la vida:

aventura, conquista, ilusión…

Barranquilla nos brinda nobleza

Y Loyola fe, ciencia y valor.


Tradiciones de mito y leyenda,

al calor de este sol tropical,

dieron alma costeña al paisaje,

a la brisa, a la playa, al palmar.


Our flag is divided into three horizontal stripes, alternating between dark blue and white. The blue stripes are located at the top and bottom and represent the blue color of the sky and the sea, which is often associated with stability and depth. It is considered a beneficial color for both body and mind, and is strongly linked to tranquility and calm. 

The white stripe is located between the blue ones and represents light, goodness, innocence, and purity. It is considered the color of perfection. White signifies safety and cleanliness, and has a positive connotation. 

Over the white stripe, the shield of Colegio San José stands out.

View the regulations on emblems,
symbols, and distinctions