By: Reinaldo Valera Iglesias, Campus Minister for Cycles I and II – Colegio San José
Photos: courtesy of Campus Ministry
Communications & Marketing.
The students of San José School, from Kinder 4 to 1st Grade, had their encounters with Christ during the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year. Kindergarten took place on the Campus, while Transition and 1st Grade were held at Casa Santa María del Mar, which the school owns in Santa Verónica (Atlántico).
It was an opportunity to strengthen the students’ inner life and associate God and Jesus with a joyful experience, as that friendly God who wants us to be happy. It was also a moment to raise awareness of their identity as individuals, using Jesus of Nazareth as a model.
Furthermore, they learned that they are created in God’s image, to give and receive love, expressing it in their homes, at school, and with their friends.
The encounters were led by the Campus Minister for Cycles I and II, Mr. Reinaldo Valera Iglesias, along with the rest of the Campus Ministry team, the group companions and co-teachers. Additionally, as primary educators and guides in the children’s moral education, a group of parents participated.
San José School congratulates the students who experienced this with generous hearts and continue to open their lives to God’s love.